
Who Knew?

All this time it was right in front of you.

1 comment:

Josy said...

Fabulous. If only it were outside.

....unless it IS, in which case you have warm winters.

You asked about large images. Here is what to do:

1. Join Flickr or Zooomr. I think you already have a Flickr account, so there ya go.

2. I upload my images at 700 pixels wide, because I have my blog set up to handle images that size (the "body" of my blog is 724 pixels wide or something, which allows for the border that Blogger likes to put around images). You could go bigger or smaller, depending.

3. Above any photos you've uploaded, there will be a little icon that says "All sizes." Click that and follow the instructions. Copy and paste the appropriate html into your blog post.

If you run into trouble, lemme know, and I can walk you through it in a few more explicit steps. :)