
"I've Heard Its Haunted"

"Lets find out!"
"Guys, there's a big 'No Traspassing' sign. Maybe we shouldn't..."
"Aww come on, don't be scared. Nothings gonna get us."
"But how do you know?"
"There's no scary music playing!"
"Shut up."
"Come on, I think I see an opening in that sliding metal door."
"That sounds safe."
"Hush. Come on, who knows what we'll find!"
"Hey, did you hear that?"
"Yeah, it was you leaning up aginst that wall. Don't do that."
"All right. But I think it came from up there."
"Yeah right."
"Oh man, I heard it again! Guys, I don't like this"
"It's nothing. Come on lets get inside."

But there really was something up there. And as we aproched the metal door, next to the cement staircase, a huge white Barn Owl fell down and flew out of the Mill, screaming as it went. Two of the three girls ran screaming just like the Owl, but in the oppisite direction. The other didn't run but insted ducked in perfict time to see the beautiful beast powerfuly glide over her and dissapear in the trees.

"Wow! That was incredible! Did you guys see how big it was? Guys?"
"What the hell was that!"
"It was a ghost! It was white, I saw it!"
"Shut up, it was a Barn Owl. The first one Iv'e ever seen."
"Then how do you know what it was?"
"Hello, welcome to the Barn. That was an Owl. Thank you."
"So it was an owl? Hey, thats neat!"
"Ya, it's really too bad my camera reflexes arn't lighting fast. But I'm glad I saw it. Man you guys, it was so beautiful."
"All right. Lets go."
"We're still going in there!?"
"Heck yes!"

They then stepped forward, carefuly, into the dusty unknown.

"What is That!?" She screamed.

To be Continued...