
Thank You Light Man,

Your lights are my favorit part of christmas. This year, when I discoverd you didnt decorate the forest, I sort of lost my christmas spirit. Every day coming home, I would hope for you lights and be let down time and time again. And every time, I would wonder where you were, were you allright? Were you alive? Then, christamas eve, driving home, there it was. My Beautiful Christmas Forest. I never realised how much those lights ment to me untill they were gone. Thank you so much for comeing back for one more year. The perfict ending. This meant the world to me.


The Pflugerville High School Football Team Went To State,

For the first time sence '72, and came home without a trophie. But after it was all said and done and we sang our school song for the last time, I was warm. Years from now, I'll tell my kids, "little Pflugerville, my class, went to state."


Apperintly A Pot Of Gold Is Residing In His Home

I dare not delete one picture taken with you. Every single one is beautiful, Muse.
